Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Love and Marriage and.....Insurance? Part 3

Welcome to today's episode of "First Comes Love, Then Comes Marriage....But Are You Insured?".    Joe and Lisa are settling into married life.   Lisa moved out of her parents house and into Joe's apartment and they are busy combining their household contents together.    They will keep Joe's couch; Lisa prefers her television over Joe's.   When it comes to their auto insurance policies, they are indecisive.  They both like their current companies and have been with them for many years.  They wonder if perhaps they should just leave their policies separate.

Luckily for Joe and Lisa, they contacted Joe's independent agent to see if they needed to make any adjustments to the renter's insurance now that they have an increase in contents.  Joe's agent asked questions about the auto policy and pointed out that by updating the policy to reflect that Joe is now married he will be getting a better rate.  The agent also quoted adding Lisa's car to Joe's policy and they were surprised that by combining their policies, they would save a considerable amount of money.  Most companies offer multi car and multi policy discounts.  It's important to keep in touch with your agent and notify them of changes in your life - you may be missing out on important coverages or discounts!

Joe and Lisa are now settled.  They have combined their two lives and are content.  What can be in store next for our happy couple?  Stay tuned!

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