Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Love and Marriage....and Insurance? Final Part

As we wrap up the end of "First Comes Love, Then Comes Marriage....But are you Insured?", we find that 2 years have passed since we've last heard of our happy couple Joe and Lisa.  After purchasing their house, they took a year to do updates to it and fixed it up.  Then one day Lisa gave Joe the happy news.....they are going to become parents. 

A month or so later, they receive a card in the mail from their local insurance agent congratulating them.  Lisa remembers she mentioned it to him the last time she visited the office to make her payment.  Joe and Lisa thought they should make an appointment and see if they need to review their policies at all, now that they have a baby on the way.  Joe has some life insurance through his job and Lisa will no longer be working so she can stay at home with the baby for the next several years.  They discuss their concerns
with their agent and determined that they now have the need to purchase life insurance.  Joe wants to make certain that should anything ever happen in the future to him, that he can be assured that the mortgage will be taken care of and that Lisa and his child will have financial security.  The agent also mentioned that when the baby is born, it would be wise to consider purchasing a life policy for the baby as well.  He noted the look of concern on Lisa's face when mentioning that and he further explained the benefits of purchasing a policy at that stage of life.  You are able to purchase a life policy on that child at an affordable rate which they can afford for the rest of their life and continue once they become an adult.  They do not have to worry that if their child should develop some sort of health issue in the future, that they become uninsurable.  You are giving your child a gift of financial security for their future.  And they learned that Joe's life policy has now reduced his home and auto policies due to a new multi policy discount. And as all stories should end, Joe and Lisa lived happily ever after. 

I hope you have enjoyed our 5 part mini series of "First Comes Love, Then Comes Marriage....But are you Insured?".   While we have dramatized our fictional couple, we hope that we have shown how simple life events can trigger different coverages and discounts on your insurance policies; you may find that there is a need for a new type of policy or that perhaps there is no longer a need for another.  As an independent agency, we are here for our clients throughout all of their life events and needs!  If you are currently going through a life event - marriage, new home, expecting a child, a newly licensed teen driver - and are concerned about coverage, please contact us and we will be happy to discuss your insurance needs!

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