Monday, April 8, 2013

The Importance of Flood Insurance

You Never Know
by Steve Tague

Maple St, Branchville NJ
Hurricane Irene August 28, 2011

Boy, recent weather has really been bizarre! Who would have ever thought that we would be wearing our “woolies” well into the month of April resulting from below normal temperatures?

Hopefully, Spring has “sprung”, so to speak, but with it comes some other weather related dangers like flooding.

Most of us do not think much about flooding, because, after all, Sussex County is basically a mountainous region and not a lot of flooding has occurred in the History of the County.

 Don’t be fooled, however, a flood can happen anywhere at anytime in our state and we should all be prepared for the possibility. Heavy rains and the resulting saturated ground can cause properties to flood, not to mention the swelling of lakes, rivers and streams that may occur from significant storms. Many Sussex County residents suffered flood damage from the storm “Irene’ just over two years ago.

Remember, that flood damage is not traditionally covered on our Homeowners and Business policies. Flood must be covered on a separate policy and you must check to see if both building and contents need to be covered on the policy. Flood rates to determine policy premiums are developed by the flood zone in which your building is located as well as the elevation levels of the building to be covered.

Finally, there is a thirty (30) day waiting period between the time you purchase flood insurance and the date in which it becomes effective. So don’t wait to the last minute to explore buying this coverage. Please contact us at van den Heuvel & Fountain Insurance Inc. at 973-948-3200 to obtain a quote because you never know when a flood will occur.

Branchville NJ
Hurricane Irene Aug. 28, 2011

Branchville NJ
Hurricane Irene Aug. 28, 2011

Branchville NJ
Hurricane Irene Aug. 28, 2011

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