Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Insurance - You Get What You Pay For

You Certainly Get What You Pay For
By Steve Tague

We consumers are a pretty interesting lot and those who advertise products to us know that we generally buy things based on emotion rather than logic or a great deal of cerebral thought process.

Funny commercials and attractive celebrity spokespeople just make us want to buy what they are selling, no matter what.

One of the most effective attractions to our purchasing things emotionally is the phrase “cheaper price”. This is especially true when it comes to our buying insurance.

Insurance, that invisible stuff we buy because we have to and in most cases, we will never use during the course of a lifetime. Of course we want this at a cheaper price, because we don’t want to purchase it in the first place and the thought of the subject makes us cringe.

The advent of “The Great Recession” made us all look harder at our personal and business finances and one of the first things we sought to minimize was the cost of insurance. Recent natural weather disasters became both pervasive and frequent and many of us learned that we were not covered for certain losses and/or we didn’t have adequate coverage limits to handle the financial losses we experienced. The personal “out of pocket cost” to consumers far outweighed the savings that were realized when we first purchased our insurance program.

My advice is that we need to evaluate our insurance programs both for your personal insurance and business insurance on an annual basis. It is amazing how quickly things change from year to year, whether they involve addition of coverages, rate changes or discount credits.

We also have to consider who we get advice from so that we don’t make the mistakes referenced above.

As a Professional Independent Insurance Agent, my recommendation is to seek out a Professional Independent Insurance Agency like ours. We do not work for a single insurance company. We represent several carefully selected, financially sound insurance companies and we place your policies with the company offering the best coverage with the best pricing to suit your individual needs. We also work with you when you have a claim to see that your claim is settled fairly and quickly.

If you like, call us for a free, no obligation review of your insurance.  Call us at your earliest convenience at 973-948-3200. You have nothing to lose and so much to gain!

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