Tuesday, December 23, 2014

How To Protect Your Belongings This Holiday Season

The holidays have officially arrived!  And for many of us that means shopping, gifting, decorating, partying, and traveling.  And a whole lot of it!
Insurance agents are always on the look out for things that might put our clients at risk.  That’s why I wanted to share a few quick reminders this month to make sure you avoid any potential claim situations.
1.   Be careful with a live Christmas tree.  Real trees are beautiful but can be hazardous.  Water your tree daily and turn the lights off at night and when you won’t be home to avoid a house fire.
2.   Don’t leave gifts in your car!  A lot of people don’t realize that items in their car are NOT covered by auto insurance.  While property off premises is covered by home and renters insurance, it is typically subject to a much higher deductible.  If you must leave anything in the car, put it in the trunk and lock the doors.
3.   Traveling out of town?  Don’t make it too obvious!  Leave lights on in the house, stop your mail, and leave your number with a trustworthy neighbor who will keep an eye on your home.
4.   Make sure to keep an updated insurance card in your car when you travel.  Not only is it good to have if you get pulled over, but all the information you need is in one place if you were to have a claim.
5.   Have a billing or claims emergency and can't and need to contact your company?  No problem.  We've listed all of our companies on our Facebook page, just click here Our Companies
6.   Received some special jewelry for Christmas?  Make sure to call us!  We’ll review all of your options to make sure it is properly covered and protected.
And most important?  Have a safe and joy-filled holiday!
Merry Christmas from all of us at van den Heuvel & Fountain!

Friday, December 5, 2014

Dodging Parking Lot Hazards During the Holidays

Thanksgiving Day sales....Black Friday....Small Business Saturday!   Last weekend was the kickoff to the holiday shopping season.  A big hazard while out shopping is navigating the parking lots!

Here are some tips to help keep you safe while out shopping and reduce your risk of having an auto accident:

  • Try to use the side entrances if available.  The parking lots of the main entrances are usually heavily congested.  Try using the parking area outside of a side entrance as there are usually more parking spaces available and a little less traffic flow.
  • If possible, try not to park so that you have to back out of the parking space.  Suggestions are to either back into the parking space or if you are able to pull through to the next space in front of you.  Of course, obey parking lot rules.  Some do not allow for you to back into spaces.

  • Leave yourself ample room when parking.  Avoid parking between large vehicle on both sides of you; make sure you are able to properly see well enough to pull out of your space.

  • Keep your headlights on at all times in a parking lot.  This makes you more visible to other motorists and less likely at risk for a collision!

  • Keep the little ones close to you by holding their hands at all times while in the parking lot.   When unlocking the car and trying to get everyone in the car, a novel idea is to have a magnet you can place on the car.  Tell the kids it's home base and everyone must keep their hand on the magnet.  Keep them safe and within your parking space, away from the flow of traffic behind your car. 

The next 2 tips are less about vehicle safety and more about your own personal safety. 

  • Reduce your risk of being a target to a thief.  Keep your purchases and bags in the trunk and out of site.  Use your cargo cover if equipped.
  • When shopping at night, use care to park in a well lit area of the parking lot.  Stay away from the darker areas without lights. 
Happy shopping and stay safe, from your friends at van den Heuvel & Fountain!

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Create a Winter Weather Prep Kit

It’s the time of year for icy winter weather.  And as your insurance agent, I have to share a few things to get you prepared before the winter storms hit!

First things first, you want to have the right supplies on hand.  Create a basic emergency kit that includes a battery powered radio and at least one week’s worth of food and safety supplies.  Also include:

  • Drinking Water
  • Canned/No-Cook Food
  • Non-Electric Can Opener
  • Prescription Medicine As Needed
  • First Aid Kit
  • Bag of Cat Litter or Sand to add traction on walkways
  • Battery Powered Lamps
  • Carbon Monoxide and Smoke Alarm in working order

And what about when bad weather hits?  Here are a few things to put on your winter storm checklist:

  • Leave water taps slightly open so they drip to prevent frozen pipes.
  • Open kitchen cabinet doors under the sink to keep the pipes warm.
  • Have an alternate heat source in case the power goes out.  If the fireplace, make sure you have plenty of dry firewood.

The most important thing you can do?  Be prepared!  A benefit to winter storms is that you generally have plenty of warning that one is on the way.  Don’t wait until the roads are icy and dangerous.  Get your supplies packed, your pipes protected, and a backup plan in case of a power outage.  And make sure that you have great Homeowners Insurance!  We can help with that.  Call us for a free quote today at 973-948-3200.

Monday, December 1, 2014

December Home Maintenance Tasks

Every month, we share easy tasks you can do to keep you home in tip-top shape all year long. So as we wind down 2014, here are a few simple tasks you can take on in December!

  Replace all of your home’s air filters to keep them working efficiently.   

  Check all faucets and pipes for leaks.

  Remove drain covers and clear the drain of any gunk.  Consider running baking soda and vinegar down the drain to clean it too.  This small task could prevent a slow backed up drain later. 

  Replace water filters in your refrigerator or faucet to keep water tasting fresh.

  Check drainage around the house and gutters, especially during winter weather.

  Check car tires for tread wear and have tires rotated.  Are your tires ready for ice or snow? 

  Save on Home Insurance - Homeowners Insurance is an important part of protecting your home and belongings.

To make sure you have the very best coverage (and the most affordable rate), call us today for a free, no obligation quote.
Dawn Johnson is a licensed insurance agent at van den Heuvel & Fountain, Inc in Augusta, New Jersey.  Contact her today for a no-obligation quote on your home insurance at 973-948-3200.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Support a Small Business!

One of my favorite parts of the Christmas shopping season comes right after Black Friday.  It’s Small Business Saturday! 
It’s easy to get caught up in the low price shopping at big box retailers like Walmart and Target.  But while these stores offer a lot of choices, they don’t support our local economy like small businesses do!
As a small business owner, I feel like it’s important to support other businesses in town.  Here are a few that you might consider shopping at this holiday season...
  • A nice walk down Main Street in Branchville offers you a variety of shops to stop at: Coats Jewelers, George's Wine & Spirit Gallery, Broad Street Books, Orr's Clothing and Main Street Gallery to name a few
  • Spring Street in Newton has a lot to offer as well: Charm has a great collection of shabby chic decor, for clothing visit Chrissy O Designs or PB&J Stores, Maxwell and Molly's Closet is a cute pet boutique and Feels Like Home is a quaint little antique store
  • Travel down Route 15 through Lafayette or Route 206 in Andover and discover a variety of antique and gift shops
Make a commitment to purchase at least one gift at a local business this holiday season.  Together, let’s support  Sussex County this year! 

Monday, November 10, 2014

Why Life Insurance Is The Perfect Gift

Have you started your holiday shopping this year?  Before long, people will be lining up in stores and placing their orders online.  It’s an annual shopping frenzy.

But have you stopped to think about what your family really needs this season? 

For many of my clients, it’s Life Insurance. 

Life Insurance is what protects your family if something were to happen to you or your spouse.  Think about what you would want for your family in that situation.  Would you want your wife to be a stay at home mom?  Would you want your kid’s college education to be paid for?  Would you want your family to pay off the mortgage and be debt free? 

Life Insurance is about preparing for the unexpected and making sure your family is taken care of.  It’s not a fun thing to think about for a lot of people, but it’s very important.

Many people avoid buying life insurance because they think it’s expensive.  But that couldn’t be farther from the truth!  In fact, life insurance is extremely affordable, especially for a young healthy family.

So before you stand in line buying coffee pots and crock pots this Christmas, stop and think about what is truly important.  Purchase life insurance and insure that your children will be taken care of for years to come.

Call me at (973) 948-3200 today for a no-obligation life insurance quote from van den Heuvel & Fountain.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

November Home Maintenance Tasks

Every month, we share easy tasks you can do to keep you home in tip-top shape all year long.  So here are a few tasks you can take on in November!

Maintain Large Appliances - Appliances are a big long-term investment!  That’s why it’s important to take good care of them all year long.  Your refrigerator is a great place to start.  Accumulating dust can make your fridge cooling system less efficient. 

To prevent trouble, regularly pull the fridge away from the wall and clean the condenser coils with a vacuum cleaner.  It’s also a good idea to dust and clean the front lower grille.  This five minute task can add years of service to your refrigerator!

Clean The Oven & Stove Drip Pans - Next move on to your stove.  It’s another appliance that needs a good regular cleaning to keep it working well.  Many ovens have a self cleaning feature that will do the hard work for you. 

The only problem?  It can take a while to run the cleaning feature and it usually smells pretty bad while it’s running.  Save this task for a nice day and open up the windows to keep it well ventilated.  Check your stove manual for instructions  and take a few minutes to clean the burners too. 

Have Problem Trees Trimmed - Cold weather has arrived.  Have you noticed any large branches hanging over onto your roof?  Get them trimmed as soon as possible.  A good ice storm can cause branches to break onto your roof leading to more damage and insurance claims. 

Save on Home Insurance - Homeowners Insurance is an important part of protecting your home and belongings.  To make sure you have the best coverage, call van den Heuvel & Fountain today at (973) 948-3200 for a free, no obligation quote.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Halloween Insurance Tips

It's October and that means that Halloween is on it's way!  We love any excuse to celebrate, but Halloween is especially fun around the office. However, I wouldn't be a good insurance agent if I didn't give a few good liability tips too.

You've heard most Halloween advice over and over.

Pack a flashlight for when it gets dark.
Put reflective tape on children's costumes.
Check the kid's candy before letting them eat any.

But what about the risks at your home?

Your Homeowners Insurance covers you if someone is injured on your property. But there are a few things you can do to prevent accidents before they happen!

1.    Change your lightbulbs. Is your porch light burned out? What about lights along pathways? Good lightning will help prevent children (and adults) from tripping.

2.    Clear hazards. Tree limbs in your yard? A hole you've been meaning to fill? These are all potential hazards that could cause an injury and subject you to a liability claim. Clean them up before you have people trick-or-treating at your home!

3.    No open flames. While candle filled pumpkins are fun to make, they can be dangerous too. If you use any open flame candles, make sure they are up high and away from any loose costume pieces.

And the easiest way to protect yourself?  Make sure you have plenty of liability insurance! Call us today at 973-948-3200 to schedule a free review and detailed explanation of how we can keep your home and family protected.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Preparing Your Home For Winter Freezes

With winter arriving soon, now is a great time to prepare your home for freezing temperatures.  Use the checklist below to give for ideas for keeping warm, preventing fires, and saving money.

Have your furnace inspected and serviced by a professional at least once a year.

Have chimneys and vents cleaned and inspected.  (Built up creosote is the leading cause of chimney fires!) 

Stock up on dry, seasoned wood for the fireplace or wood stove.

Check the condition of your fireplace screen.  Is it in good condition and secure?

Get a covered metal container ready to dispose of cooled ashes.  (And keep it at least 10 feet from your home.)

Review fireplace safety with your kids! 

Make sure all portable space heaters have an automatic shut-off and are kept at least 3 feet away from anything that can burn (like bedding). 

Test all smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms! 

Follow these tips and your home will be ready for winter and safe from fire hazards.  If you’re concerned about protecting your belongings, give us a call at 973-948-3200 to review your home insurance policy today! 

Friday, October 3, 2014

October is Fire Prevention Month

October is officially Fire Prevention Month. As your insurance agency, this is an issue that is very important to us! Unfortunately, we've seen clients suffer from home fires, but there are things you can do to prepare now to prevent a disaster later.

Beyond basic fire prevention, like checking cords and not leaving a pot unattended on the stove, there are several important things to do with your children or grandchildren to make sure they're safe.

First, create a PLAN. When children know what to expect, they can remain calm, even during an emergency. Help your child know exactly what to do if a fire occurs.

Stress the importance of getting out of the house and to your family meeting spot.  Choose an area a safe distance from the house where children should go if making a fire escape. It could be a street light, mailbox, or neighbor's tree.

If you have pets, tell your kids that your pets will find their own way out safely and that they should never go back to rescue the pet on their own.

As a family, go through each room of the house and discuss TWO different ways to get out if a fire occurs. Let children practice opening a latch and unlocking doors too.

Now host a fire drill! Make the practice drills fun and informative. Create sample scenarios and build up your kid's confidence. They'll be better prepared for a fire and you will too!

When it comes to any sort of emergency situation, people are what matter most. Take precautions to protect your loved ones and let your professional insurance agents at van den Heuvel & Fountain take care of protecting your home and belongings! Call us at 973-948-3200 for a free quote on your Homeowner's Insurance today!

October Home Maintenance Tasks

Every month, we share easy tasks you can do to keep your home in tip-top shape all year long. So here are a few simple tasks you can take on in October!

Pack Away The Air Conditioner - If you use a seasonal air conditioning unit, then now is the time to pack it up for winter! Make sure to spend a few extra minutes cleaning all the filters and coils well. It will keep the unit in great shape and it will last much longer.

Winterize External Plumbing Systems - It's much better to prepare for freezing temperatures before it's freezing! Winterize all exposed outdoor pipes and you'll avoid the trouble when there is snow or ice on the ground.

Check Your Carbon Monoxide Detector - This is an important one! October is a great time to check your carbon monoxide detector to make sure it is performing well.  Change the batteries, test it, and replace older units.

Clean Up For Halloween - Trick-or-treating can be a liability hazard! Clean up any loose tree limbs, fill holes in the yard, and remove any fire hazard Halloween decorations before kids are running to your door.

Save on Home Insurance - Homeowners Insurance is an important part of protecting your belongings. To make sure you have the best coverage, call us at 973-948-3200 today for a free, no obligation quote.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Life Insurance is Affordable

September is Life Insurance Awareness Month. You’ll probably see TV commercials and magazine articles talking about why this coverage is so important all month long. And you probably already know it’s important. But that doesn’t mean that you’ve got your policy set up yet!

The Life Foundation says that only 62% of people who believe they need life insurance, actually have it. And even those that have it only carry enough to replace their income for 3.6 years. If you have young children to support, that is simply not enough time! And if you're skipping life coverage all together, then you are putting your family at risk.

So why do people wait too long to purchase life insurance? Well, the Life Foundation also says that 86% of Americans say they haven't purchased it because it's "too expensive,” yet overestimate the cost by more than 2X!

Life Insurance rates are based on a number of factors, including age, health conditions, and smoking status. By not smoking and purchasing when you're younger, you can save substantial money. In fact, many term life policies are less than $30 per month!

Here’s what we recommend...call the office and set up an appointment with one of our life insurance specialists. Bring information on your annual income, as well as any debts (like your mortgage). We’ll give an accurate picture of how much coverage you need as well as different ways to make it affordable. Don’t wait another minute! Call us today at 973-948-3200 to set up an appointment.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

September Home Maintenance Tasks

Every month, we share easy tasks you can do to keep your home in tip-top shape all year long.  So here are a few simple tasks you can do in September to prepare your home for cool fall weather!

Check Gutters -  Take a few minutes to make sure your gutters are clear.  With rain and falling leaves, gutters will be working overtime.  By making sure they’re clear now, you’ll avoid water damage later on. 

Clean The Dryer Vent - Lint accumulating in the dryer vent can cause a house fire.  A couple of times per year, unplug the dryer and thoroughly vacuum the area around the dryer vent and hose.  Remember to check the outside vent too! 

Gather Firewood - Will you be burning a wood stove or fireplace this winter?  Start gathering up firewood now and save yourself from the task when it’s cold outside. 

Get Ready For Autumn - Now is a great time to start planting some fall flowers.  Mums make a great addition to your front porch! 

Save On Home Insurance - Homeowners Insurance is an important part of protecting your belongings.  To make sure you have the best coverage, call us at 973-948-3200 today for a free, no obligation quote. 

Friday, August 15, 2014

"Back To School" Insurance

As August begins, it's time to start thinking about going back to school! What does that have to do with insurance? Here are a few things to keep in mind.

Good Grades - Do you have a teenage driver in the house (or one on the way)? Many policies allow discounts for students with good grades. Don't forget to talk to your kids about the importance of keeping those grades up! These discounts can apply to college students too.

Driver Training - There are different discounts available for Drivers Ed classes. We can review all the options and let you know which discounts will impact you the most.

Moving To The Dorm - Is your college student living in the dorm this semester? Your Homeowners Insurance may cover their belongings without additional coverage being needed. This is called Property Off Premises coverage.

Remember, any claims would be subject to your deductible which is usually higher on home policies! Let us review your policy to check for the specific amounts of coverage included.

Moving To An Apartment - Let's say your college student has graduated from the dorms and moved on to an apartment. In this case, your Homeowners Insurance would not cover their belongings and they would need their own Renters Insurance policy.

Renters Insurance is very affordable and covers all of the contents of the property. It also provides liability insurance if someone were injured in the property or if the student caused a fire, etc. By making sure they are properly insured, you are also protecting yourself.

We work hard to make sure all of our clients have the right coverage at all times. The fastest and easiest way to make sure your student is receiving all the discounts they qualify for and that their belongings are covered at college is to schedule a review! Call  973-948-3200 to review your policy and situation and we'll make sure all of your questions are answered.

Friday, August 1, 2014

August Home Maintenance Tasks

Every month, we share easy tasks you can do to keep your home in tip-top shape all year long.  In August, we still have warm temperatures and a few summer days left to enjoy.  So what can you do this month for your home?

Get Rid Of Allergens - Many people suffer from allergies due to dust mites.  But there are ways to rid your home of the dust without spending all day cleaning.  

Look for where dust lurks.  Use a damp cloth to clean all window blinds and fan blades once a month. If you have carpet, make it a priority to vacuum on a regular basis.  These things will get rid of dust and prevent allergies.

Clean The Grill - After a summer of heavy use, make sure your grill is still in good shape. Heat it up for 10-15 minutes to burn off any residue and then scrub the grill with a wire brush.  Start looking for a grill cover to keep it protected through the winter.

Plan A Fun Labor Day Weekend - Okay this isn't a home maintenance item, but it's still fun! Labor Day weekend is on the way.  Why not schedule a cookout or party with family and friends?  

Save on Home Insurance -  If we don't currently insure your home, call us at 973-948-3200 for a quote today. We'll look for every possible discount without sacrificing important coverage. Great insurance coverage is the best protection you can have!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Insuring a Vacant Home

Selling your home can be a stressful process, especially when it doesn't move quickly.  With a new job looming, you may have no choice but to leave the home vacant for a short time until it sells.  

The problem?  Vacant homes fall under different insurance rules and can leave you at risk.  Here are a few things you need to know before leaving town.

A vacant home is determined  when there is not enough furniture inside for a reasonable person to live.  It can also apply if all of the utilities have been shut off.  

If a home is vacant, the insurance company can deny a claim or drop your policy altogether.  (The rules vary by company.)

Insurance companies view a vacant home as a higher risk.  There are more opportunities for vandalism and no one living there to protect the home from fire or damage.  

Many companies will exclude any coverage for vandalism or glass breakage while a home is vacant. This can leave you responsible for a huge repair bill if a vandal were to cause major damage.  

First you need to talk to your insurance agent and get the details on your policy.  Since policies vary by state and insurance company, there is no single right answer.  

Explain the situation to your insurance agent.  Ask what coverage is included and what is excluded (specifically for vandalism).  

You also need to find out if your policy will be non-renewed or canceled while the home is vacant.  If so, now is a good time to start contacting other companies and looking for the coverage you need.

Some insurance companies will continue to cover you, but might increase your premium.  Ask if you can purchase an endorsement for your homeowner's policy that will extend coverage while the property is vacant.  

Selling a home doesn't always follow a quick timeline.  If you're facing the possibility of leaving your home vacant, contact van den Heuvel & Fountain first at 973-948-3200 and find out how to best protect yourself and your property.  

Friday, July 11, 2014

July Home Maintenance Tasks

You purchase insurance in order to protect your home but there are other things you can do to protect your large investment as well.

Regular home maintenance is important and frequently overlooked.  We tend to forget about our HVAC system until it quits working on a hot day! 

That's why we're providing a few simple tasks you can do each month to keep your home in tip top shape all year long.

Here's where you can get started in July:
  • Do an energy audit.  Hot weather is a great time to find all the spots in your home where air may be sneaking in.  Plugging those leaks can save as much as 20% on your heating and cooling bills!  
  • Looks at every door and window area for places where you can see daylight through a crack or feel a draft.  Don't forget the mail slots and fireplaces too!   
  • If you'd rather use a professional, contact your utility company for a recommendation on a home energy auditor.
  • Protect your patio furniture.  You probably have all of your nice outdoor furniture in use right now. Make sure to take a few minutes to clean it each week and it will last for many more years.  
  • Check the tags on pillows and cushions for specific cleaning instructions and regularly hose down the furniture itself. Remember, patio cushions are a favorite place for busy squirrels so try to keep them protected!  
Save on Home Insurance.  If we don't currently insure your home, call us 973-948-3200 for a quote today. We'll look for every possible discount without sacrificing important coverage.  Great insurance coverage is the best protection you can have!

Monday, June 16, 2014

Insurance Tips When Planning A Vacation

It’s getting hot, the pools are opening, and everyone has summer vacation on the brain!  Here are a few insurance tips before you take off on your next trip.

First contact the Post Office and put a hold on your mail.  You can do the same for your newspaper service too!  These are often big indicators that a homeowner is out of town and a target for thieves.  This is an easy way to keep your home protected. 

Consider putting a few lights in your home on a timer to further give the illusion that someone is home.  Outdoor security lights are also a great option.

Do you have a neighbor that you trust?  Let them know of your plans, share your emergency contact number, and consider leaving a spare key just in case. 
Imagine that a big thunderstorm hits while you’re out of town.  It knocks out power or even causes a tree in your yard to fall.  Your neighbor can make sure that your freezer is back on when the power restores or verify that there aren’t any leaks in the roof from the storm damage!  This can help prevent bad surprises when you get home.

What about once you’re on the road?

The biggest tip I share with my clients is to avoid leaving valuables in the car! 

Many people believe that their belongings are covered by car insurance, but that is not the case.  The only coverage for your luggage, computer, etc. would be on your Homeowners Insurance and it’s subject to your deductible!

Have questions about your Homeowners Insurance?  Give us a call anytime at 973-948-3200 to discuss your policy or to get a quote!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Safe Driving in New Jersey

Palisades car insurance, one of our carrier companies, performed a statewide poll that found 22% of NJ residents have no knowledge of the NJ law that mandates that motorists must stop — and remain stopped — for pedestrians in the crosswalk.

At van den Heuvel & Fountain, we value our safe (and violation-free!) drivers – so we’ve compiled a helpful list of three other overlooked traffic laws of which you should be aware:

1. Idling Stinks
New Jersey law requires all motorists to restrict idling to three minutes or less (N.J.A.C. 7:27).  Idling more than three minutes is unnecessary and harmful to your vehicle and your health.  Vehicle and property owners face fines of $250 to $1,000 for each violation of this law.

There are some specific situations in which a vehicle may idle for an extended times, such as when it is stuck in traffic, or at a drive-thru window.  See www.stopthesoot.org for a complete listing of exemptions.
2. Move over
New Jersey’s “Move Over” law requires that all motorists approaching a stationary, authorized emergency vehicle, tow truck, highway maintenance or other emergency service vehicle that is displaying a flashing, blinking or alternating red, blue, amber or tallow light, or any configuration of lights containing one of these colors, must change lanes, safety and traffic conditions permitting, into a lane not adjacent to the authorized vehicle.  If a lane change is impossible, prohibited by law or unsafe, the motorist must reduce speed of his vehicle to reasonable and proper speed, slower than the posted limit, and be prepared to stop if necessary.  Motorists who violate this law face a fine of not less than $100.

3. Safe Corridors
In order to improve highway safety, New Jersey initiated Safe Corridors Program in 2004.  The Safe Corridors law doubles fines on various state highways for various driving offenses, including speeding and aggressive driving.  Highways are designated for the program based on crash rates 50 percent over the state rate and 1,000 or more crashes reported over a three-year period.  A current list of Safe Corridor highways is available from the New Jersey Department of Transportation at www.nj.gov/transportation.

Brush up your knowledge of New Jersey driving regulations by downloading the New Jersey Driver Manual (from which these laws and their descriptions were taken) at http://www.state.nj.us/mvc/About/manuals.htm. 

Or check out our Facebook and Twitter feeds, where we periodically remind our readers of traffic rules and regulations.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

June Insurance Tips

Last month we talked about some of the special insurance you need to consider during the summer.  Today we'll dive into a few more special situations that might require a phone call to your agent. (If you live around Sussex County, we'd be happy to help answer your questions!)
When summer arrives, many people leave the day-to-day routine behind and go on vacation in June.  Hopefully you're planning a trip sometime soon too!

But there are a few things you need to know before you hit the road. Consider these special situations:

Rental Cars  - If you choose to rent a car, make sure you understand how your insurance works. A rental car company will want to sell you special coverage to cover the car while you are driving it. The insurance will cost you a certain amount each day. But here's the deal. Your current insurance will typically also cover you at no additional cost.

However, if you have a claim filed on your current policy, your rates could go up in the future. And rental car companies could file a claim for very minor damage. Obviously it is a risk either way, but make sure you know your options. And please contact your insurance agent before renting a car to find out what is specifically covered on your policy.

Rental Boats  - Similar to rental cars, you need to make sure you're covered. Your auto policy won't cover a boat, but you may have coverage available on your homeowner's policy (or if you have a boat policy). Call your agent first and see what your options are BEFORE you show up at the marina.

Hosting A Barbecue  - It's always fun to throw a party. It's even more fun when you aren't worried about your insurance! Your homeowner's and renter's insurance covers you if someone is injured on your property due to your negligence. That means that if they trip on a step, fall on the patio, or cut their hand on a glass, you don't have to worry.

But, as always, you need to discuss this with your agent and go over exactly what coverage you have. If you have a lot of assets, then you might need additional liability coverage too.

Notice a pattern here? The general rule is that you need a personal insurance agent who is looking out for your particular needs! There is not a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to protecting your family and your belongings.

Take 2 minutes to call us at 973-948-3200 and schedule a short phone review of your coverage today. And then make plans to enjoy your summer worry free!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Nice Drives in New Jersey

There is so much to see and do in NJ – learn about great places to drive with van den Heuvel & Fountain! 

We invite you to drive with us across NJ and discover more of the Garden State’s cultural, historical and scenic destinations.  The state offers many destinations for entertainment and outdoor fun this time of year.

Here are some of our favorites:

Battleship New Jersey http://www.battleshipnewjersey.org
  • The Battleship New Jersey, our nation's most decorated battleship, is an 887-foot long, 45,000-ton living window on the most important half-century in U.S. history.
  • Explore the ship's legendary 16-inch gun turrets.
  • Visit the Bridge, Communications, Captain's Cabins, and Officer's Wardroom.
  • Learn about the role the "Black Dragon" played in World War II, Korea, Vietnam, and the Persian Gulf.

Atlantic City  www.atlanticcitynj.com
  • The boardwalk and big casinos provide lots of excitement
  • Visit famous casinos like the Showboat and Borgata Hotel
  • Enjoy the nightlife with fine dining and live shows
  • Shop at boutiques and a variety of stores

  • Famous lighthouse located in Long Beach Island, NJ
  • A panoramic view of Island Beach, Barnegat Bay, and Long Beach Island awaits visitors at the top of Barnegat Lighthouse.
  • Once regarded as one of the most crucial "change of course" points for coastal vessels.

  • Summer is a great time to enjoy the river 
  • The river offers it all: tubing, hiking, canoeing, camping, fishing and more!
  • Adorable towns dot the coastline, chock full of restaurants, quaint B&Bs, and boutiques

Hot Air Balloon Festival of Warren County www.balloonfestnj.com
  • Spectacular balloons decorate the sky
  • Take a ride or see the balloons launch
  • Traditional county fair fun is also in store

Fosterfields Living Historical Farm http://morrisparks.net/aspparks/ffmain.asp
  • NJ's first preserved "living historical farm"
  • Experience the work that went into turn-of-the-century farming
  • Not a replica, Fosterfields is a working farm
  • The farm’s Gothic Revival home, The Willows, was built by Paul Revere’s grandson

NJ Botanical Gardens  www.njbg.org
  • Known as the Garden State's Hidden Jewel
  • A haven for unusual plant species from around the world
  • Wander the gardens or stroll through the paths and discover a majestic place
  • Open every day of the year from 8am - 8pm

New Meadowlands Flea Market at The Meadowland Sports Complex  www.newmeadowlandsmarket.com
  • Hundreds of merchandise and food vendors
  • Free entertainment and games
  • Bargain shopping at its best

Hospitality Creek Campground   hospitalitycreek.com 
  • Family-run campground and swim club
  • 30-acre lake for swimming & fishing
  • Picturesque, shaded picnic grove

Spring Lake  www.springlake.org
  • Known for pristine beaches
  • Walk the town and take in the serene atmosphere
  • See beautiful Victorian homes
  • Enjoy fine shops, galleries and gourmet dining

Morris County & Morristown   www.morristourism.org
  • General George Washington brought the Continental Army twice to the area for winter encampments.
  • Home to the Morris Museum, the Stickley Museum at Craftsman Farms, Revolutionary War sites and Morristown National Historic Park
  • The Morristown Green is one of only two in New Jersey to have survived to the present day

Wild West City, Stanhope NJ  http://www.wildwestcity.com
  • Theme park that re-creates Western life
  • Be entertained by 22 live action shows
  • Fun for the family, miniature train ride, pony rides, mini golf and petting zoo
  • Enjoy the atmosphere with Western theme eateries 

Note: This information is supplied as guidance and inspiration. Always obey road signs and laws. Roads and directions may not be accurate. 

van den Heuvel & Fountain Inc. does not warrant or endorse the goods or services offered by merchants referenced above.