Monday, June 16, 2014

Insurance Tips When Planning A Vacation

It’s getting hot, the pools are opening, and everyone has summer vacation on the brain!  Here are a few insurance tips before you take off on your next trip.

First contact the Post Office and put a hold on your mail.  You can do the same for your newspaper service too!  These are often big indicators that a homeowner is out of town and a target for thieves.  This is an easy way to keep your home protected. 

Consider putting a few lights in your home on a timer to further give the illusion that someone is home.  Outdoor security lights are also a great option.

Do you have a neighbor that you trust?  Let them know of your plans, share your emergency contact number, and consider leaving a spare key just in case. 
Imagine that a big thunderstorm hits while you’re out of town.  It knocks out power or even causes a tree in your yard to fall.  Your neighbor can make sure that your freezer is back on when the power restores or verify that there aren’t any leaks in the roof from the storm damage!  This can help prevent bad surprises when you get home.

What about once you’re on the road?

The biggest tip I share with my clients is to avoid leaving valuables in the car! 

Many people believe that their belongings are covered by car insurance, but that is not the case.  The only coverage for your luggage, computer, etc. would be on your Homeowners Insurance and it’s subject to your deductible!

Have questions about your Homeowners Insurance?  Give us a call anytime at 973-948-3200 to discuss your policy or to get a quote!

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