Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Ask Your Insurance Agent: Are Items In My Car Covered?

Today I’m answering a question I hear all the time - “Are my personal belongings covered if someone breaks into my car?”
Unfortunately, they typically are NOT covered!  Your auto insurance covers your car from damage and accidents, but not the items inside from theft.
But there are still ways to protect yourself.  First, and most obvious, avoid keeping high- ticket items in your car in the first place.  This includes things like your laptop, iPad, purse, etc. 
If you’re out shopping, keep your doors locked and lock most items away in the trunk. 

But this isn’t always possible.  And so you also want to make sure you’re covered by carrying Renters or Homeowners insurance for your personal belongings.  These policies include a certain amount of coverage for property off premises.  These are subject to your deductible so make sure to discuss with your agent to see what kind of coverage you have currently. 

With a little bit of prevention and great insurance, you’ve won’t have to worry about items being stolen from your car.  Have questions?  Give us a call at 973-948-3200 to discuss them anytime! 

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