Friday, May 9, 2014

Auto Insurance For New Sussex County Graduates

So you just graduated and are ready to go out on your own. You've figured out your rent and have your own car but now you need insurance. Where to begin?

Here's what you need to know…

First, you must have liability insurance. It's required by the state and pays to fix the vehicle of anyone you might hit or to fix property that you might damage in an accident.  Liability coverage fixes the other person's car.

If you want your car to be covered then you'll need comprehensive and collision. This is sometimes called "full coverage". It costs a little bit more but protects your vehicle.  You'll be required to have this if you are paying off a car loan.

Insurance policies are typically for six or twelve months. You can pay in full or make monthly installment payments.

You always want to make sure your insurance is paid on time. If not, you run the risk of not being covered if you have an accident and receiving a no-insurance ticket (which can get very expensive!)

If you are afraid you won't be able to pay on time, call us and let us review your policy and discuss your options.

How can you lower your insurance cost? Having a good credit score, not getting into an accident, and having regular insurance reviews will keep your cost manageable. Let our agency work with you to create an affordable plan that will protect you while also giving you the most bang for your buck.

 Give us a call at 973-948-3200 to get started today!

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