Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Protecting Your Credit Score

Your credit score is important in many ways.  It allows you to purchase a home, buy a car, and can even be a factor in getting the best insurance rates. However, credit scores can be confusing too.  Here are 3 ways to help protect your score.

1.  Order an updated credit report each year for you and your spouse.  Many people don’t realize that there may be mistakes on their credit report that lowers their score!  In fact, a recent study showed that 79% of credit reports contain some kind of error!  Go to HTTP://WWW.ANNUALCREDITREPORT.COM to request a free copy annually from each of the three major credit bureaus. 
2.  Avoid excessive credit inquiries.  Only run your credit report when you are ready to apply for credit and make a purchase.  Consistent and ongoing inquiries can lower your score because the bureaus assume that you will be taking on more debt. 
3.  Long history counts!  The best scores have many years of positive credit history.  That’s why it’s a good idea to keep your unused accounts open rather than closing them.  They continue to show positive long-term history and help your score even if you’re not using those credit cards on a regular basis. 

Obviously, you also want to make sure that you pay all of your bills on time.  By keeping your long term accounts open, avoiding excessive inquiries, and checking your report annually for any mistakes, you’ll set yourself up for the best credit score possible.  And with a great credit score, you’ll save thousands of dollars in interest on large long term purchases and in insurance premiums! 

Monday, March 10, 2014

Auto Insurance Basics: What is Rental Reimbursement?

Rental reimbursement is an important part of your auto insurance coverage.  Let’s discuss what it is and why you need it!

When you suffer an auto insurance claim, it’s not uncommon for your vehicle to need to go to the shop for a few days for repairs.  Even minor scratches or dings can require you to be without a vehicle for an extended period of time.

If you have multiple cars this is probably a mild inconvenience.  But if you only have one vehicle or limited access to others, then it could be a major problem.

Think about this...

If you were without a car for a week, how would you get to work?

How would you get the kids to school?

If you use public transportation to commute, what about going to the grocery store or the kid’s soccer practice?

If any of these things would be a major problem, then you need Rental Reimbursement!  This coverage pays for your rental car while your car is in the shop due to a covered claim. 

When you look at your policy, you’ll see Rental coverage listed as a “per day” coverage.  $50 per day.  $25 per day.  That is how much the insurance company will pay for that rental car, simple as that!

If you get a lower amount, but need a larger vehicle, then you’ll be responsible for the additional cost.  Let’s say you need a minivan to drive around your 4 kids, but only get enough Rental Reimbursement to cover a tiny economy car.  That additional per day cost will fall on your shoulders.

This is what we’re here for.  We’ll look at your individual situation, ask these questions, and recommend the right amount of coverage to make your life easy when those inconvenient situations occur.

Call van den Heuvel & Fountain today at 973-948-3200 to discuss your Auto Insurance coverage.  If you’re a current client, we’ll be happy to review your policy and let you know how much Rental coverage you currently have. 

Monday, March 3, 2014

March Home Maintenance Tasks

Each month in 2014, we’ll be sharing a short list of tasks that you can do to help take care of your home, vehicle, and family.  Consider them a helpful reminder of what needs to get accomplished throughout the month to keep your important items protected.

Here’s the list for the month of March:

Order A Credit Report - March is Credit Education Month.  One of the most important things you can do to protect your credit score (besides paying your bills on time) is to closely monitor your credit report.

The credit reporting agencies make mistakes.  That’s why you must be vigilant in reviewing your report each year and requesting corrections.  This is especially true if you’ve been the victim of identity theft.  Get a free copy of your report from all major credit bureaus each year at www.annualcreditreport.com.  You can also check your credit score for free at www.creditkarma.com.  

Make A Severe Weather Plan - Spring is known for strong storms.  That’s why it’s good to have a plan ready before the bad weather arrives.  Choose a place of shelter in your home (preferably with no windows or exterior walls) and gather up a small kit of supplies just in case.  Include water, batteries, and flashlights.  

Change Batteries In Your Smoke Detectors - Such a small task can be a lifesaver if you were to have a home fire.  Plan to switch out batteries at every time change.  This month, time will “spring forward” on March 9th.

Get A Life Insurance Quote - According to a survey by the Life Foundation, 33% say they don’t have enough life insurance, including one-fourth who already have a policy!  

If this is you, call us today at 973-948-3200 for a free, no-obligation quote on affordable life insurance.

Protect Your Kids (And Grandkids) - March is Poison Prevention Month.  Go through your home and look for any hazardous chemicals or cleaning supplies that could be easily accessed by a child.  

Kitchen and bathroom sink areas and garages are especially dangerous.  Lock these items in a cabinet or place in an area out of reach.  Also make sure to have the phone number for the local poison control center in case of an emergency.  

Start Landscaping - Yes, it’s probably a little early for this one...but who isn’t ready to get outside after a long winter?  

Landscaping can add thousands of dollars in value to your home.  Start planning your spring flowers and garden now.

These should keep you busy all March long!  Let us know if we can assist you in any way with your auto, home, business, or life insurance.  Call van den Heuvel & Fountain, Inc. at 973-948-3200 or stop by our office at 122 US Hwy 206, Augusta NJ 07822.