Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Fire Safety Introduction - video 1

The other night while looking around the internet, a friend had posted this video on their facebook wall.  It noted that you'd might be surprised as to what caused the fire.  I watched the video and yes, I was surprised at the cause - HOUSEHOLD BATTERIES!  I definitely walked away from the video with some knowledge.  We encourage everyone to take a few minutes to view this video.  I'm sure you will wind up doing the same thing I did and check to see how your family is storing and discarding batteries. 

Friday, January 17, 2014

Tips for Saving Money on Groceries

We already work hard to help you save money on your personal insurance (while getting the very best coverage).  But groceries are also one of the biggest items in most family budgets.  They’re a necessity but can be hard to plan for.  And without careful management, your grocery budget can quickly get out of control. 

Here are a few simple ways to plan ahead and save money! 
Menu Plan - Menu planning is the easiest and most effective way to cut your grocery budget.  When you plan your meals in advance, then you know exactly what items you need and can easily stick to a list and a budget. 

If you plan on shopping weekly, go ahead and make a list of your family’s favorite dinner meals.  Then plan lunches, breakfasts, and snacks.  Shop through your refrigerator and pantry first to see what you already have on hand.  Then make a list and stick to it! 
Make A Standard List - We all have certain items that we purchase every single time we go to the store.  Milk, bread, and orange juice might be a staple in your home.  Make a basic list that you start from every week.  That way you know what needs to be replaced without wasting a lot of time starting from scratch.

Check For Sales - Most grocery stores put out their sales flyer each Wednesday.  The majority are also listed on the store’s website!  Pull this up while making your menus and plan around what is on sale.  Great price on chicken?  Put that on your meal plan!  You’ll save money and create variety in your meals.
Purchase In-Season Produce - Produce can be expensive but is important in creating healthy meals.  Lower your cost by only purchasing produce that is in season.  Search online for lists of seasonal produce to help you plan. 

Use Coupons - Many grocery stores will offer great coupons in their weekly circular or via their frequent shopper programs.  Make sure you sign up for those free cards that are scanned at checkout since they can save you tons of money! 

Check out the coupons in the Sunday paper as well.  Don’t just buy items because you have a coupon though!  Make sure it is something you will actually use first or you won’t save much in the long run.

Skip Pre-Cut Items - Prepared and Pre-Cut foods can cost twice as much as those your prepare yourself.  For example, wash and cut your own carrots rather than buying a bag of baby carrots.  You’ll save money and still get great food.

Shop As Little As Possible - The more you go in the store, the more you will spend.  Skip the temptation by limiting your grocery shopping as much as possible. 

The key to saving on groceries is to be prepared!  Check sales and coupons, plan menus, and don’t go in the store without a list.  These are just some ways you can trim your budget in 2014! 

And if you’re still looking to save on auto and home insurance in Sussex County, New Jersey, give van den Heuvel & Fountain a call at 973-948-3200 for a free quote! 

Friday, January 10, 2014

What is Liability Insurance?

Have you ever looked at your insurance policy and wondered just exactly what it is you are paying for?

Everyone knows that they are legally required to carry liability insurance.  But many people don’t really understand what that means or how it works. 

In simple terms, liability insurance pays to fix damage that you cause to someone else. 

On your auto insurance policy, this is split into three pieces.  Here is an example:

Bodily Injury:  50000/100000
Personal Property: 50000

Let’s say that this was your coverage amount and you hit another car in an accident.  Your insurance would pay up to $50,000 per person for injuries up to a total cap of $100,000.  And it would pay up to $50,000 in property damage to fix the other car. 

Remember, liability only covers the person that you hit.  It doesn’t cover your vehicle or anyone inside your car. 

There are many different amounts of liability coverage.  We work directly with our clients to determine how much you need.  This will vary based on factors like how many assets you have, your income, and home value. 

Not having enough liability insurance is one of the biggest financial mistakes you can make!  Carrying only the state minimum of 15000/30000/5000, could leave you open to a lawsuit.  Think about those cars you’ve seen on the road worth easily over $40,000!  If you don’t have enough property damage coverage, then you are at risk. 

There is also liability coverage on your homeowners or renters insurance.  It pays if someone is injured on your property due to your negligence.  One common example is a dog bite.  This is another time when it’s good to have enough liability insurance!

Hopefully this clears up any questions you have about how liability insurance works.  If you need help determining the right amount of coverage for your family, give us a call at 973-948-3200 for a no obligation review and quote. 

Thursday, January 2, 2014

January Home Maintenance Tasks

Each month in 2014, we’ll be sharing a short list of tasks that you can do to help take care of your home, vehicle, and family.  Consider them a helpful reminder of what needs to get accomplished throughout the month to keep your important items protected.

Here’s what’s on the list for January:

Make A Home Inventory - January is all abut getting organized, right?  So what better time to document what you own in case you were to suffer a serious insurance loss (like a fire).  Grab your cell phone and make a short video of each room in your home, focusing on big ticket items.  Many times, it’s difficult for our clients to remember every little possession after the shock of a large claim.  You’ll be glad you took the time to make the videos if you ever need them.

Deep Clean Your Dryer Vent - A large percentage of home fires begin in the clothes dryer!  Lint builds up in the vent and hose which can spark a fire.  Unhook the hose and vacuum the area well on a regular basis to keep your home protected.

Organize Your Warranties - Do you have a big pile of warranties, product documents, and receipts stuffed in your desk drawer?  Do you even own those items anymore?  These days, many owners manuals can be found online without taking up valuable drawer storage.  Also consider scanning and keeping a digital file of your receipts and warranties for easy storage and retrieval if needed. 

Check Your Circuit Breakers - How often do you actually look in the breaker box?  Open it up and make sure the labels are correct and readable.  Also stash a spare flashlight (with working batteries) close by in case of a power outage.

Gather Your Tax Documents - It won’t be long until you’re filing your 2013 taxes.  Start gathering up all the documents you or your accountant will need.  Need a copy of your insurance policies or premiums?  Call us at 973-948-3200 and we’ll be happy to help! 

Know Your Deductibles - When was the last time you reviewed your deductibles?  This is what you would pay out of pocket in the event of an insurance claim.  It’s a good idea to keep this amount in your savings account so it’s available when you need it.  Feel free to give us a call to review all of your insurance policies in detail. 

January is a great time to get organized for the new year!  Let van den Heuvel & Fountain know if we can help in any way! 

Happy New Year!