Friday, February 22, 2013

Weekend Weather Watch

Looks like Sussex County may be in for a bit of nasty weather this weekend.  According to New Jersey Weather, there is a freezing rain advisory in effect from 10pm this evening until noon Saturday.

Please stay safe and use caution when driving in icy road conditions.  Here are a few tips if you must travel when the roads are icy:

  • Travel if only absolutely necessary. Allow yourself extra time for delays.

  • Wait for the sanding trucks to pass, if possible.

  • Use extreme caution when driving. When it is safe to do so, test the road surface carefully by gently applying your brakes to familiarize yourself with the extent of the icy conditions. This will help you prepare yourself should you have to use your brakes.

  • If you come upon an accident, use extreme caution. Park in a safe area and use your emergency flashers. Do not rush to offer assistance until it is safe to do so. If you are near the scene, another vehicle could lose control and collide with the car you are trying to help. Do not become a victim yourself.
Stay safe and have a great weekend!

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