Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Don't Leave Home for Vacation Without Doing This....

Ready to head out of town on vacation?  Temperatures are climbing, school is ending, and everyone is eager for a break.  But there are a few things to keep in mind before you leave town in order to keep your possessions protected.

Don’t Advertise That You’ll Be Out Of Town

Think about the things that happen around your home on a daily basis, so that your home doesn’t look empty when you leave.

First, contact the Post Office (and the newspaper) and put your services on hold.  A full mailbox and a driveway full of newspapers are a sign to thieves that you’re an easy target!

Can you put a few lights on a timer so that your home isn’t dark all night?  Even leaving on a few lamps will help.  Motion sensitive lights on your porch and driveway are a great idea too!

Do you have a neighbor that you trust?  Let them know of your plans, share your contact number, and consider leaving a spare key just in case.

What if a severe thunderstorm hits while you’re out of town?  It could knock out power or even cause a tree in your yard to fall.  Your neighbor can make sure that your freezer is back on when the power restores or verify that there aren’t any leaks in the roof from the storm damage!  This can help prevent some bad surprises when you get home.

When You’re On The Road

The biggest tip I share with my clients is to avoid leaving valuables in the car!

Many people believe that their belongings are covered by car insurance, but that is not the case.  The only coverage for your luggage and computer would be on your Homeowners Insurance and it’s subject to your deductible.

Also, most policies offer coverage for road side assistance and towing.  This can be invaluable when you are stranded (or accidentally lock your keys in the car in an unfamiliar town).  This coverage is inexpensive and quick to add to your policy.

Have questions about your insurance before your next trip?  Give us a call anytime to discuss your policy or to get a quote!

Friday, May 15, 2015

The Biggest Risk To Your Home (And How To Prevent It)

Most people think the biggest risk to their home is a fire or a bad storm.  It’s why they buy insurance (and the fact it’s required by their mortgage lender). 

But in reality, the biggest concern is protecting your assets from a liability claim. Consider this...

Warm weather has arrived and everyone is beginning their yard work. Mowing, planting flowers, and digging those vegetable gardens. There is a lot of work to be done.

So let's say that you dig a large hole in the front yard so you can plant a new tree. You walk away for a moment and while you're gone the kid next door runs through the yard, falls in the hole, and breaks his ankle.

Unfortunately, you could be held responsible for his injury. But not to worry, your homeowner's liability insurance is made for these kind of situations. It will pay if someone is injured on your property. It's also the coverage that protects you if the dog bites your child's friend (as long as it's not a restricted breed) or if your cousin falls down your front steps.

If you have a large number of assets, then you'll want higher liability coverage. If the injury exceeds your liability coverage amount, then you could be sued for the difference. Work with us to determine the amount of coverage that you are comfortable carrying.

No one can protect themselves by just being careful alone. There are too many possible scenarios that you could never avoid. But with the right insurance coverage, you'll never have to worry.

Call us today for a free review and to discuss how much liability coverage you need. 

Friday, May 8, 2015

Insuring Your RV, Boats and Summer Fun

Summer is on its way.  Before we know it there will be Memorial Day barbecues and long weekends at the lake.

That's why now is a great time to review insurance coverage on all of your summer toys. Read below for things to consider (and review with us) before the big items come out of winter storage.

RV - Your motorhome or travel trailer needs insurance coverage, especially if you'll be driving or pulling it this year.  Even if you don't have a loan on your RV, you will want it covered for theft or damage.  Whether they are parked on a lake lot for the season or driving cross country, we offer several RV policies to fit your needs.  Just call us for a quote.

Boat - The same thing goes for your boats and jet skis.  You've made a big investment and it's important to protect them.  Not only should you worry about damage to your boat, but also make sure you have the proper amount of liability coverage.  Don’t forget your life jackets!

Motorcycle - Ready to hit the road for a long drive?  Remember to brush up on your safety skills and always wear a helmet.  Don’t forget to make sure your motorcycle has liability coverage just like your vehicle!  We can help you determine what coverage you need.

Swimming Pool - If you own a pool, then you need extra liability coverage including a Personal Umbrella Policy.  Why?  Because there is a lot more risk of someone being injured when you have a pool.  Don’t skimp on your coverage and make sure you have the pool area secured and safe.

Summer is a lot more fun when you know that your high price recreational items are properly insured and protected.  Take 15 minutes to call us for a quote or to review your current coverage.