Tuesday, December 23, 2014

How To Protect Your Belongings This Holiday Season

The holidays have officially arrived!  And for many of us that means shopping, gifting, decorating, partying, and traveling.  And a whole lot of it!
Insurance agents are always on the look out for things that might put our clients at risk.  That’s why I wanted to share a few quick reminders this month to make sure you avoid any potential claim situations.
1.   Be careful with a live Christmas tree.  Real trees are beautiful but can be hazardous.  Water your tree daily and turn the lights off at night and when you won’t be home to avoid a house fire.
2.   Don’t leave gifts in your car!  A lot of people don’t realize that items in their car are NOT covered by auto insurance.  While property off premises is covered by home and renters insurance, it is typically subject to a much higher deductible.  If you must leave anything in the car, put it in the trunk and lock the doors.
3.   Traveling out of town?  Don’t make it too obvious!  Leave lights on in the house, stop your mail, and leave your number with a trustworthy neighbor who will keep an eye on your home.
4.   Make sure to keep an updated insurance card in your car when you travel.  Not only is it good to have if you get pulled over, but all the information you need is in one place if you were to have a claim.
5.   Have a billing or claims emergency and can't and need to contact your company?  No problem.  We've listed all of our companies on our Facebook page, just click here Our Companies
6.   Received some special jewelry for Christmas?  Make sure to call us!  We’ll review all of your options to make sure it is properly covered and protected.
And most important?  Have a safe and joy-filled holiday!
Merry Christmas from all of us at van den Heuvel & Fountain!

Friday, December 5, 2014

Dodging Parking Lot Hazards During the Holidays

Thanksgiving Day sales....Black Friday....Small Business Saturday!   Last weekend was the kickoff to the holiday shopping season.  A big hazard while out shopping is navigating the parking lots!

Here are some tips to help keep you safe while out shopping and reduce your risk of having an auto accident:

  • Try to use the side entrances if available.  The parking lots of the main entrances are usually heavily congested.  Try using the parking area outside of a side entrance as there are usually more parking spaces available and a little less traffic flow.
  • If possible, try not to park so that you have to back out of the parking space.  Suggestions are to either back into the parking space or if you are able to pull through to the next space in front of you.  Of course, obey parking lot rules.  Some do not allow for you to back into spaces.

  • Leave yourself ample room when parking.  Avoid parking between large vehicle on both sides of you; make sure you are able to properly see well enough to pull out of your space.

  • Keep your headlights on at all times in a parking lot.  This makes you more visible to other motorists and less likely at risk for a collision!

  • Keep the little ones close to you by holding their hands at all times while in the parking lot.   When unlocking the car and trying to get everyone in the car, a novel idea is to have a magnet you can place on the car.  Tell the kids it's home base and everyone must keep their hand on the magnet.  Keep them safe and within your parking space, away from the flow of traffic behind your car. 

The next 2 tips are less about vehicle safety and more about your own personal safety. 

  • Reduce your risk of being a target to a thief.  Keep your purchases and bags in the trunk and out of site.  Use your cargo cover if equipped.
  • When shopping at night, use care to park in a well lit area of the parking lot.  Stay away from the darker areas without lights. 
Happy shopping and stay safe, from your friends at van den Heuvel & Fountain!

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Create a Winter Weather Prep Kit

It’s the time of year for icy winter weather.  And as your insurance agent, I have to share a few things to get you prepared before the winter storms hit!

First things first, you want to have the right supplies on hand.  Create a basic emergency kit that includes a battery powered radio and at least one week’s worth of food and safety supplies.  Also include:

  • Drinking Water
  • Canned/No-Cook Food
  • Non-Electric Can Opener
  • Prescription Medicine As Needed
  • First Aid Kit
  • Bag of Cat Litter or Sand to add traction on walkways
  • Battery Powered Lamps
  • Carbon Monoxide and Smoke Alarm in working order

And what about when bad weather hits?  Here are a few things to put on your winter storm checklist:

  • Leave water taps slightly open so they drip to prevent frozen pipes.
  • Open kitchen cabinet doors under the sink to keep the pipes warm.
  • Have an alternate heat source in case the power goes out.  If the fireplace, make sure you have plenty of dry firewood.

The most important thing you can do?  Be prepared!  A benefit to winter storms is that you generally have plenty of warning that one is on the way.  Don’t wait until the roads are icy and dangerous.  Get your supplies packed, your pipes protected, and a backup plan in case of a power outage.  And make sure that you have great Homeowners Insurance!  We can help with that.  Call us for a free quote today at 973-948-3200.

Monday, December 1, 2014

December Home Maintenance Tasks

Every month, we share easy tasks you can do to keep you home in tip-top shape all year long. So as we wind down 2014, here are a few simple tasks you can take on in December!

  Replace all of your home’s air filters to keep them working efficiently.   

  Check all faucets and pipes for leaks.

  Remove drain covers and clear the drain of any gunk.  Consider running baking soda and vinegar down the drain to clean it too.  This small task could prevent a slow backed up drain later. 

  Replace water filters in your refrigerator or faucet to keep water tasting fresh.

  Check drainage around the house and gutters, especially during winter weather.

  Check car tires for tread wear and have tires rotated.  Are your tires ready for ice or snow? 

  Save on Home Insurance - Homeowners Insurance is an important part of protecting your home and belongings.

To make sure you have the very best coverage (and the most affordable rate), call us today for a free, no obligation quote.
Dawn Johnson is a licensed insurance agent at van den Heuvel & Fountain, Inc in Augusta, New Jersey.  Contact her today for a no-obligation quote on your home insurance at 973-948-3200.