Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Life Insurance is Affordable

September is Life Insurance Awareness Month. You’ll probably see TV commercials and magazine articles talking about why this coverage is so important all month long. And you probably already know it’s important. But that doesn’t mean that you’ve got your policy set up yet!

The Life Foundation says that only 62% of people who believe they need life insurance, actually have it. And even those that have it only carry enough to replace their income for 3.6 years. If you have young children to support, that is simply not enough time! And if you're skipping life coverage all together, then you are putting your family at risk.

So why do people wait too long to purchase life insurance? Well, the Life Foundation also says that 86% of Americans say they haven't purchased it because it's "too expensive,” yet overestimate the cost by more than 2X!

Life Insurance rates are based on a number of factors, including age, health conditions, and smoking status. By not smoking and purchasing when you're younger, you can save substantial money. In fact, many term life policies are less than $30 per month!

Here’s what we recommend...call the office and set up an appointment with one of our life insurance specialists. Bring information on your annual income, as well as any debts (like your mortgage). We’ll give an accurate picture of how much coverage you need as well as different ways to make it affordable. Don’t wait another minute! Call us today at 973-948-3200 to set up an appointment.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

September Home Maintenance Tasks

Every month, we share easy tasks you can do to keep your home in tip-top shape all year long.  So here are a few simple tasks you can do in September to prepare your home for cool fall weather!

Check Gutters -  Take a few minutes to make sure your gutters are clear.  With rain and falling leaves, gutters will be working overtime.  By making sure they’re clear now, you’ll avoid water damage later on. 

Clean The Dryer Vent - Lint accumulating in the dryer vent can cause a house fire.  A couple of times per year, unplug the dryer and thoroughly vacuum the area around the dryer vent and hose.  Remember to check the outside vent too! 

Gather Firewood - Will you be burning a wood stove or fireplace this winter?  Start gathering up firewood now and save yourself from the task when it’s cold outside. 

Get Ready For Autumn - Now is a great time to start planting some fall flowers.  Mums make a great addition to your front porch! 

Save On Home Insurance - Homeowners Insurance is an important part of protecting your belongings.  To make sure you have the best coverage, call us at 973-948-3200 today for a free, no obligation quote.