Thursday, July 24, 2014

Insuring a Vacant Home

Selling your home can be a stressful process, especially when it doesn't move quickly.  With a new job looming, you may have no choice but to leave the home vacant for a short time until it sells.  

The problem?  Vacant homes fall under different insurance rules and can leave you at risk.  Here are a few things you need to know before leaving town.

A vacant home is determined  when there is not enough furniture inside for a reasonable person to live.  It can also apply if all of the utilities have been shut off.  

If a home is vacant, the insurance company can deny a claim or drop your policy altogether.  (The rules vary by company.)

Insurance companies view a vacant home as a higher risk.  There are more opportunities for vandalism and no one living there to protect the home from fire or damage.  

Many companies will exclude any coverage for vandalism or glass breakage while a home is vacant. This can leave you responsible for a huge repair bill if a vandal were to cause major damage.  

First you need to talk to your insurance agent and get the details on your policy.  Since policies vary by state and insurance company, there is no single right answer.  

Explain the situation to your insurance agent.  Ask what coverage is included and what is excluded (specifically for vandalism).  

You also need to find out if your policy will be non-renewed or canceled while the home is vacant.  If so, now is a good time to start contacting other companies and looking for the coverage you need.

Some insurance companies will continue to cover you, but might increase your premium.  Ask if you can purchase an endorsement for your homeowner's policy that will extend coverage while the property is vacant.  

Selling a home doesn't always follow a quick timeline.  If you're facing the possibility of leaving your home vacant, contact van den Heuvel & Fountain first at 973-948-3200 and find out how to best protect yourself and your property.  

Friday, July 11, 2014

July Home Maintenance Tasks

You purchase insurance in order to protect your home but there are other things you can do to protect your large investment as well.

Regular home maintenance is important and frequently overlooked.  We tend to forget about our HVAC system until it quits working on a hot day! 

That's why we're providing a few simple tasks you can do each month to keep your home in tip top shape all year long.

Here's where you can get started in July:
  • Do an energy audit.  Hot weather is a great time to find all the spots in your home where air may be sneaking in.  Plugging those leaks can save as much as 20% on your heating and cooling bills!  
  • Looks at every door and window area for places where you can see daylight through a crack or feel a draft.  Don't forget the mail slots and fireplaces too!   
  • If you'd rather use a professional, contact your utility company for a recommendation on a home energy auditor.
  • Protect your patio furniture.  You probably have all of your nice outdoor furniture in use right now. Make sure to take a few minutes to clean it each week and it will last for many more years.  
  • Check the tags on pillows and cushions for specific cleaning instructions and regularly hose down the furniture itself. Remember, patio cushions are a favorite place for busy squirrels so try to keep them protected!  
Save on Home Insurance.  If we don't currently insure your home, call us 973-948-3200 for a quote today. We'll look for every possible discount without sacrificing important coverage.  Great insurance coverage is the best protection you can have!