Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Staying Safe this Winter

The winter season brings us many holidays to spend with our friends and families, but it also brings a greater risk for fire. 

  • Two of every five home decoration fires are started by candles.
  • Nearly half of holiday decoration fires happen because decorations are placed too close to a heat source.

We've gathered a few tips to help keep you happy and fire-safe this holiday season.

  • Be careful of lit candles around decorations and other things that can burn.  A great alternative to real candles are the new battery operated candles.  Some now even include timers.
  • Check your holiday lights - some are only for indoor or outdoor use.  Make sure you are using them in the proper places.
  • Replace any string of lights with worn or broken cords or loose bulb connections.  connect no more than three strands of mini light sets.  Read manufacturers instructions for number of LED strands to connect.
  • Use care in hanging lights - use clips to avoid damaged cords.
  • Test your smoke alarms and tell guests about your home fire escape plan and exits from the home.
  • Before heading out or to bed - make sure all lit candles are blown out and turn off all lit decorations.

Our staff at van den Heuvel & Fountain wish you and yours the happiest and safest of holidays!

We look forward to the start of a brand new, fresh New Year!   See you in 2014!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Is Flooding Possible in the Winter?

Many people associate flooding with Hurricane and Tropical Storm season but did you know that flooding is just as likely to occur during the winter months as well?   Please take a few moments to view the below flood risk scenarios to learn more about the different ways flooding can occur. 

If you have any questions regarding flood insurance or would like to discuss a quote, please contact our office and we'd be happy to answer any question you may have!

Stacey Kerr and Dawn Johnson are licensed insurance agents at van den Heuvel & Fountain in Augusta NJ. Contact them today for a no-obligation quote for flood insurance for you home or business at 973-948-3200.

Monday, December 2, 2013

How To Protect Your Belongings This Holiday Season

The holidays have officially arrived!  And for many of us that means shopping, gifting, decorating, partying, and traveling. And a whole lot of it!
Insurance agents are always on the look out for things that might put our clients at risk. That’s why I wanted to share a few quick reminders this month to make sure you avoid any potential claim situations.
1.    Be careful with a live Christmas tree. Real trees are beautiful but can be hazardous. Water your tree daily and turn the lights off at night and when you won’t be home to avoid a house fire.

2.    Don’t leave gifts in your car! A lot of people don’t realize that items in their car are NOT covered by auto insurance. While property off premises is covered by home and renters insurance, it is typically subject to a much higher deductible. If you must leave anything in the car, put it in the trunk and lock the doors.

3.    Traveling out of town? Don’t make it too obvious! Leave lights on in the house, stop your mail, and leave your number with a trustworthy neighbor who will keep an eye on your home.

4.    Make sure to keep an updated insurance card in your car when you travel. Not only is it good to have if you get pulled over, but all the information you need is in one place if you were to have a claim.

5.    Received some special jewelry for Christmas? Make sure to call us! We’ll review all of your options to make sure it is properly covered and protected.

And most important? Have a safe and joy-filled holiday!

Happy Holidays from all of us at van den Heuvel & Fountain!


Stacey Kerr and Dawn Johnson are licensed insurance agents  at van den Heuvel & Fountain  in Augusta NJ.  Contact them today for a no-obligation quote on your auto, home, business or life insurance at 973-948-3200.